Ever After

from a slice
of life
left behind 
to remember,
eaten up
by birds 
of the past.

This way
I lost
one path,
found a thousand 
white trees,
a woman asleep
pale as the moon,
by stale tears.

In dreams 
she waits;
in reality
I wonder:
can I save her
does she want
my love
I have no horse
I have no reign.
Nothing to give
but a kiss
and the rotting castle
of my heart.

Long shadows
bruise the ground,
as I let fear
hold my hope.
Around us
poisonous roses
bloom inviting -
what kind of curse
is to believe
and lose,
what kind of evil
will promise 
and steal.

The sad wolf 
of loneliness
through skin and bones,
I shiver
clasping blood red
upon my shoulders -
I understand 
what the winds
are screaming:
these woods
won’t let us both dream,
it’s the eerie comfort
of one eternal night
or the key 
to something uncertain
and frail.

When my name
trembles close 
to her lips,
crystal shards
pierce the sun
back to life.
her eyes of gold,
sweet homes,
are mine again -
and so
I pray
forgive me
if once upon a time
I couldn't find the courage
to let you go.

© Copyright I.B. 2016 

10 thoughts on “Ever After

  1. Wow, wow, wow!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ This is so breathtakingly stunning! I can't get over how amazing this is! Your writing keeps improving! It is such an honor to be able to watch you blossom as a writer! Please don't ever stop writing! I shall have to write a response for this when I am less of an incoherent goopy mess.


      1. ❤ ❤ ❤ SWEEET!!! I made you smile!! Mission accomplished!!! ;D Of course it has! You wrote it after all! (P.S. Please let me know if you need me to tone things down. The last thing I'd want to do is make you feel uncomfortable.)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am glad I make you smile because the world needs to see more of your gorgeous smile!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ (That is comforting to know because I wouldn't want to ever make you feel uneasy!)


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